Monday, September 30, 2019

Creative Writing – “Relief”

he phone rang. It broke the silence of my seething rage. Its high piercing sound irritated me for some reason. I wanted to scream. Lisa wouldn't normally cause me to feel that way (maybe it wasn't just Lisa, but she had been getting to me recently). As twins we were supposed to share a special bond, and usually we got on really well. Despite being only four minutes older than Lisa, I often felt strangely protective of her. With curly blonde hair and brown eyes we looked totally identical, but the similarities ended there. Lisa's favourite word was change; new outfit, new boyfriend, new hairstyle and so on. I was calmer. I had two very close friends – Hannah and Angie, and a steady boyfriend – Adam. That was another part of the reason why I was at home and in such a state. I had just got to the party, after being held up with my friend Laura, who was upset about family problems. Things between Adam and I had not been going well recently, and tonight he had arranged to meet me at six, so we could talk. It was nearly seven. I feared the worst, but friends do come first. However I was not prepared for the scene that met my eyes. I stood transfixed. Something sharp went straight through my heart. There stood Lisa and Adam, alone. Two of the people closest to me, I could not believe it. I ran. A huge bubble of emotion was trying in vain to escape from with in me, but it didn't seem to know how. I could feel tears welling up. I wanted to scream, hit someone, collapse in a heap and break down and sink into the ground all at once. Then my emotions quieted and he silent tears began rolling down my cheeks. I reached the deserted bus stop, when the bus came that was deserted too. My whole life seemed deserted. As soon as I was home I dialled Hannah's number then the grim realisation hit me: All my friends were at the party, my parents were out, my older brother – Phil was out. A fresh wave of rejection, anger, betrayal and total emptiness swept over me, and suddenly I felt very tired. I peeled off my clothes and went to bed. How could Lisa have done that? It wasn't something she would do. Borrowing my clothes? Yes. Shirking chores? Yes. Forgetting favours I asked her? Yes. Trying to sort out my love life with some crazy scheme and making it worse instead? Yes. But stealing my boyfriend? No. Adam? Did the last 10 months mean nothing to him? What about all the special times we had shared together? What about all the â€Å"I love you†s? I felt the bubble return. That was when the phone rang. I left it to ring. It cut off, and then rang again. This time I answered: â€Å"Hello† â€Å"Hello, is this the Scott house?† â€Å"Yes† â€Å"Who am I speaking to?† â€Å"Ali† â€Å"Alison? This is Hertfordshire police† What on earth could the police want? A new emotion hit me: Fear. I listened with trepidation. â€Å"There has been an accident on the railway bridge; Blue Ford Fiesta, young driver, medium build, blonde curly hair. We believe it to be your sister† Lisa. It was Lisa. â€Å"Where is she? Is she ok?† I asked. â€Å"She's at Princess Alexandra hospital. I think it's best if you get yourself up there as soon as possible. Your parents are there already.† I ended the conversation. I walked over to Sarah's to see if her parents drive me. I didn't think about it, I just did it. I couldn't think. Val and Mike were out. I went over to Helen's Helen's mum asked no questions. I couldn't have answered even if she had. She drove me in silence. It was only a twenty minute journey although it seemed to last forever. I was not crying. A strange numbness had come over me. I couldn't think or do or feel anything. There seemed to be a gap where my stomach was and my heart was beating so loudly the whole of Sawbridgeworth could probably hear. Finally we reached the hospital. Helen's mum put her arm around me and led me. Somehow she knew where to go. All my resentful thoughts about Lisa had melted. I felt empty, small and absolutely terrified. I found myself sitting in a green chair. It was a sick green, the green you always find in hospitals. I could see my dad looking grave, his arm around my mum, who was silently crying. Suddenly I noticed there was an arm around me, it was Adam's. I shook it off. A doctor stood by me; he held a glass of water and a small round white tablet. He was telling me to take it. â€Å"Where's Lisa?† I asked â€Å"They did all they could for her. She wanted to tell you something. She kept calling â€Å"Ali, Ali† all the time she was conscious. She said that she loved you. We think she was driving to see you. She was driving very fast, the roads are icy† He said He didn't need to tell me anymore. I knew. Lisa. Lisa was dead. Lisa was dead. It was my fault. I began to cry. â€Å"Ali, take the pill. You need it† It was Adam's voice. I could see Charlie and Amy sitting by him, looking concerned and upset. There was something odd about that, but I couldn't figure out what. I couldn't take the pill. They didn't understand. I had killed my sister. If I hadn't gone off she never would have driven to see me. They couldn't make me take drugs to numb the pain until there was none. â€Å"Alison, this is hard enough on your parents as it is, take it for them† coaxed the doctor I looked to my dad â€Å"Ali, this is hard on all of us, especially you, take the tablet, darling† he said in a hushed tone. Time passed in a blur. I had no idea if it was day or night, or how long I had stayed in my room. My mum kept bringing me those white pills. I was numb. I slept, cried, and just sat for hours, overwhelmed by shock, guilt and sheer emptiness. One morning my mum came in and asked me to come and see Lisa's room. I followed her and my dad. For no apparent reason I was now feeling scared. My mum opened the door. It felt as though it symbolised something but I didn't know what. I gasped. Lisa's room, usually strewn with clothes, makeup and everything else under the sun, was tidy. Moreover all her stuff had been removed and it had been redecorated. I couldn't take it. I broke down. Lisa was like my other half, I was incomplete without her. It was like being half dead. My dad looked at me; I could see it hurt him even to do that. Would it always be like this? Would I serve as a constant reminder of Lisa? â€Å"Ali,† a voice called. It was a familiar voice. It was Lisa. Was I dreaming? I closed my eyes and opened them again. I was lying in my bed. Lisa was shaking me. â€Å"Ali, you left the party. I didn't get a chance to tell you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I just looked at her, utterly bewildered. I reached out my hand and touched her. â€Å"You're alive, â€Å"I murmured. She looked a me briefly as though I was insane, then carried on, â€Å"Adam was waiting for you, and you didn't come. It was my fault things were going badly between you two, so I pretended to be you to make it all better. I was going to tell you, but I couldn't find you. I worked out what you saw, and I'm sorry.† â€Å"But Lisa, you're alive† I stammered. This time she looked at me even more quizzically, so I explained what had happened down to every last detail. â€Å"Ali,† said Angie gently, â€Å"it was a dream, it must have been. We're all fine, your mum and dad are out, and remember Charlie moved to Belgium in August.† I was totally dazed. I felt as if I had been asleep a few hundred years, instead of a few hours. â€Å"So Lisa isn't dead and she never went with Adam,† I said uncertainly. â€Å"I can't believe you even thought such a thing!† exclaimed Lisa. â€Å"Oh Ali, I'm so sorry† â€Å"Everyone's downstairs, I'll go down and explain. You come when you're ready.† said Angie. I couldn't restrain myself any longer. I whooped and threw my arms around Lisa, who looked shocked but pleased. My relief was so immense. I would never hate Lisa again. I was close on euphoric. I slipped my arm through Lisa's and we went downstairs. Amy and Miranda had made up some sandwiches, and after all that had happened I think we all needed them. I was still incredibly tired, but I felt the sudden urge to hug everyone. My emotions were running so high. When I hugged Adam he stroked my hair and whispered, â€Å"I'm sorry about everything that happened. I love you.† Before I knew it he was kissing me deeply. Charlie phoned to say â€Å"Happy new year.† Everyone looked so happy now. As Lisa said, â€Å"It's like a dream.† We all laughed. It felt so good. Relief.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Ideal Husband Essay

Thesis statement: Human defines the ideal husband as the one that is kind, the one that care, and the one that has as only devotion the success and happiness of his family. In the book â€Å"An Ideal Husband,† Oscar Wilde, the author, presents Robert and Goring as two men who were ready to do everything it takes to save their love and satisfy the demand of their lover. Although their stories are coming together in some points, Chiltern and Goring have their disparities and particularities. 1 – Roberto’s life was a mixture of hided truth, and success in politic – Roberto was a self-divided person and had a conceal past which he tried to hide from his wife, so that her wife doesn’t misunderstand him. – Roberto was a successful well-known politician, honorable to most people in society. – The real title of the book should have been Under the Table 2- Lord Goring was conciliating, honorable, and romantic gentlemen – He tried to reduce the misundersta nding between Robert and Chiltern – Lord Goring was an honorable person in the society; he was also a romantic person. 3- The adaptive attitude of Robert and Goring – Dump Mrs. Cheverly was blackmailing Roberto about his previous secret. – Fight rumors, and ready to abandon profession to save their marriage. An Ideal Husband As men, most of us grow up with the strong desire of success in his life. The real meaning of that so desired success is the dream to be emotionally, physically, and financially stable. We want to be the one who cares for the family, especially for kids and wife; we want to be the ideal husband. In this story named â€Å"An Ideal Husband†, the author Oscar Wilde presented Sir Robert Chiltern and Lord Goring as ideal husbands. Mrs. Cheverly and Lady Gertrude also are very important characters in this story. In this story, Sir Robert and Goring played a number of important roles which make the title of this play fruitful. An ideal husband is much respected and he becomes the most important person in his wife’s life. This love and respect was noticeable throughout the story, which also make this title useful. Robert and Goring are two people who share their ambitions, the desire to take care, and their vision for the future. First of all, Sir Robert, a government official who owes his success and fortune to secret scandal, was a successful and extremely ambitious politician1. He devoted all his life to his success, following his mentor Baron Arnhem. He is one of the major characters of this story and he can be considered as an ideal husband because of his loving attitude with his wife, which was noticeable throughout the play. He was a self-divided person and had a conceal past which he tried to hide from his wife, so that her wife doesn’t misunderstand him, and they can continue their life with each other without having any kind of misunderstandings between them. This attitude can be considered as a great attitude of an ideal husband. This is because he never wanted to create any misunderstanding with his wife. Therefore, he hide his secret from his wife and was trying to lead his life having a great relationship with his wife by forgetting about his conceal past. His behavior was noticeable when Mrs. Cheverly was blackmailing him about his past secret. She has with her an incriminating letter which proves Robert’s involvement in insider trading in the Suez Canal Scheme, in order to benefit from an investment. Sir Robert was very nervous because he didn’t want her wife to be known about this secret2. This is because, he was afraid that this will create difficulties between his wife and him. This kind of behavior indicated that how much serious he was about his relationship with his wife, which proves that he was an appropriate character for an ideal husband. Although the title of the book kind of fit the story, the author could have give a different name to the story and it would still fit. For instance, the story is full of secrets hidden, betrayal, and blackmails. Moreover, all these situations happened in a total discretion between two or more people, as if they are trying to solve it without the world being aware. Under the Table would have fit as a title to the story. Second, Lord Goring was a dandy. Always conciliating and ready to help, he was among the people who dressed themselves the better. He represented Robert as a lucky person by giving him honor, money, a great lover of his wife, and these are more than enough things for an ideal husband comparing to the real world. Moreover, he put his status of good man in danger because he wanted to help  Robert3. Looked as a model politician to people, he was very romantic toward ladies, and had a high position in his social life; most woman want such a husband who is a successful person in his social life, and who is very romantic to his wife. Since he was a successful well-known politician, honorable to most people in society, and very romantic with his wife, he can get the title of this story â€Å"an ideal husband†. When he was blackmailed by Mrs. Cheverly, he was afraid because his wife Lady Gertrude Chiltern was an educated and a perfectly virtuous. Since she was very strict in doing right things, Sir Roberto didn’t tell her about his secret. He thought that she will never forgive her and she will leave him forever, which he doesn’t want at all. Since he loved her wife and had faith in her, he should tell her about his secret. He, however, didn’t say anything and was completely denying when he was asked by his wife about his secret. This behavior doesnâ€℠¢t go with the behavior of an ideal husband because an ideal husband shouldn’t hide anything from her wife4. However, if we try to analyze his situations, we can think that he was right about what he was doing. This is because, he was scared, and didn’t want to lose the respect that he got from his wife, and he didn’t wanted to let her down since she feels very proud about him. As he loves her, he most of the time wanted to make her feel proud and happy. Therefore, he hides his secret to her and tried forget everything about his past, so that he can lead a beautiful life with his wife. The fact that he put his own reputation and his friendship in danger in order to help his friend gave us one proof of him being able to be qualified ideal. Third, Lord Goring and Robert throughout the play show us what make them special5. As for Lord goring, he knew how to treat women with respect. He was also educated and successful in politic. Goring knew the value of friendship and was ready to sacrifice his honor to serve it. The fact that he was able to turn Mrs. Cheverly blackmails against Robert into a positive outcome, and therefore save his friendship with Robert was a good thing. As for Robert, who was one of the major character of this play, could be also described as an ideal husband in the future. The reasons are, he was extremely intelligent, and he valued his couple first and was ready to do everything to save it, and is loyal. Admirable politician, Robert knew how to twist words. The way Oscar wild represented him, was very realistic. In addition, his attitude throughout the play indicates that he will also be an  ideal husband, and he will love her wife, and will do whatever an ideal husband does. It is predicable because of his attitude which appeared throughout the play. Roberto and his wife did not have nice relationship because of his secret6. When she heard about his secret, she quarreled with him and decided not to lead her life with him anymore Mrs. CHEVELEY: â€Å"Ah! The strength of women comes from the fact that psychology cannot explain us. Men can be analyzed, women merely adored.† In this time, lord was helping Sir Roberto, so tha t he could get rid of his problem, and was trying to clarify Roberto’s and his wife’s misunderstanding. Lord’s this attitude was also noncable at the very end of the play, where lord played an important role to get Roberto and Chiltern together. He sent a letter to Roberto by asking to forget about past, and to start a new life with enthusiasm. He said Roberto that it was not him, who sent that letter, but his wife. Roberto was very happy to know that her wife sent that letter to him. Therefore, he decided to stay with his wife. Since Lord was helping to rebuild their relationship, it is predictable that he will also be an ideal husband. Another reason for predicting Lord as an ideal husband is that he was a romantic person. He was socially established, and a smart man, and a lover of Chiltern’s sister7. Since he was trying to helping Robert, and he had to work with other characters, he couldn’t able to spend sufficient time with his girlfriend. However, it appeared that he was missing her girlfriend and wanting to meet with his girlfriend. In the middle of this pl ay, when he went to Robert’s house to meet with Chiltern, he asked his girlfriend for a date. Mrs. Cheverly said:, â€Å"Who on earth writes to him on pink paper? How silly to write on pink paper! It looks like the beginning of a middle-class romance. Romance should never begin with sentiment. It should begin with science and end with a settlement.†Lord, however, couldn’t able to meet her in time which made him very disappointed. His attitude indicates that he was a romantic person and also wanted to make her girlfriend happy like. This behavior forced readers of this story to predict him as an ideal husband. Though he didn’t get enough opportunities to spend enough times with his girlfriend, he did propose her at the very end of the play, and they decided to marry each other8. These characters will help Lord to become an ideal husband in the future. To sum it up, if you know somebody that cares about others, helps others, or is ready to do whatever it takes for the other  person to feel comfortable, you have there a potential ideal husband. Sir Roberto is an ideal husband of this story, and it can be predicted that Lord will also be an ideal husband in the future since he had most characteristics such as reb uilding relationship, ability to clarify misunderstanding between husband and wife, romanticism, and some other characteristics like that of an ideal husband. Their social position, romanticism, leaving bad attitude such as Robert’s previous secret made them ideal husbands. Life is sometimes full of secrets that we don’t want to share because they are either thirty or really personal. Share it with our special loved one will be a plus in our quest of well being and happiness.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The film Frankenstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The film Frankenstein - Essay Example Finally Frankenstein manages to put life into his imagination. The reborn dead body played by Robert monster was first quite and pleasant but Fritz torments monster and so his criminal brain begins to catapult into a fully criminal behavior. Fed up by the criminal behavior of monster Frankenstein leaves him with his mentor Dr.Waldman. The monster escapes from Dr.Waldman and comes to village to take revenge on Frankenstein. Before escaping monster kills both Fritz and Waldman since Fritz was torturing him with fire and whips and Waldman was about to dissect him to dispose. After escaping from the castle the monster went to Elizabeth's bedroom seeing him she screams and he flees. The manhunt is on for the monster and is found in the mountains. He over powers Frankenstein and ties him to a windmill. The windmill is seta fire and eventually it falls on the monster and he burns to ground. Frankenstein is shown carried. The movie was really close to what Mary Shelly has written in her novel. The direction was so appropriate that it brought the darker side of the story to the silver screen. Shelly was trying to make it clear in the novel that science should not tamper with life. The movie miserably fails to make shelly's point clear.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Security Essentials 4.4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Security Essentials 4.4 - Essay Example Averagely the institution retains a population of two thousand two hundred and ninety convicts. Prior to the admission of any offender to the Indiana Level 1 Prison, proper considerations are made basing on the type of offense committed. The offenses that meet a maximum imprisonment in Indian level 1 prison are capital crimes including murder, robbery with violence and terror among others (Smith, 2014). The second criterion is the length of the sentence. Offenders convicted for ten years and above are eligible for detention in the facility. The institution also admits convicts awaiting capital sentences like hanging, death by shooting or injection. Criminal history is a third criterion for eligibility into India level 1 prison. Offenders with multiple criminal records suffer admission into the facility while fast offenders may be pardoned into minimum prisons. The service offers intake programs to newly admitted offenders. During the intake, each offender is evaluated through interviews, analysis of his medical reports and admission of diagnostic tests. The evaluation process serves the purpose of forming the convict’s facility and program assignment (Smith, 2014). It includes the activities that the convict will engage and appropriate tasks marching his ability and health condition. Indian level 1 prison being a maximum prison keeps the records of the convict’s information. It includes the offender’s credentials, home, place of resident and contacts. The security officers manage the prisoner’s accounts with an aim of rehabilitating the convict appropriately. The facility offers visitation services to the inmate’s relatives and friends. All the visitors are entered into the offenders approved visitors list (Smith, 2014). The visitation day and time varies, convicts at Indian level 1 prison are visited once after every 14 days. The visiting time lasts from two to three hours. Before

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A core concept across nursing theories Research Paper

A core concept across nursing theories - Research Paper Example Core concepts are the ideals upon which any practice is based.For most professions, core concepts are distinct to each, with practices like biology, sociology and psychology having their own concepts specifically applicable to their practice. These concepts are broadly defined in their metaparadigm, and such metaparadigms comprise of several major concepts.Such metaparadigms are considered to be the boundaries or limits of any practice. This is not much different in the nursing practice. The core concepts or metaparadigm of nursing, according to Fawcett (1984, as cited by Daniels and Daniels, 2004) include: person, environment, health, and nursing. These concepts help define and shape the nursing practice. While theorists have come up with different models for the practice in each area of nursing care, there are common concepts or threads to all these areas of nursing practice. Regardless of the area of nursing involved, the nurse will still be concerned with the following concepts: person, the environment, health, and nursing. In recent times, the concept of care has been included as an essential concept of nursing because it is crucial to the delivery of efficient nursing care (Daniels and Daniels, 2004). With these above considerations, this paper shall now identify a core concept which cuts across nursing theories. It shall compare and analyze the concept definitions based on the selected contemporary theories while considering the practical applications of these core concepts. Discussion A core concept which is common to two contemporary theories is the concept of nursing. This concept applies to the theories laid out by Dorothea Orem and Virginia Henderson. In her theory, Orem acknowledged the four concepts which comprise the nursing metaparadigm. She further defined human beings as â€Å"an integrated whole composed of an internal physical, psychologic, and social nature with varying degrees of self care ability (Chinn and Kramer, 2004). She also emphas izes that human beings are also self-care agents with different interdependent parts, which, when functionally sound, leads to contentment, pleasure, and happiness. When considering the concept of nursing, Orem sets forth that it is an art by which the nurse can deliver specialized care to individuals with disabilities requiring special assistance in compliance with daily needs for self-care (McLaughlin-Renpenning, 2002). In effect, nursing considers actions which are specifically chosen and delivered by nurses to guide individuals under their care in the sustenance and management of conditions in themselves or their general environment (Orem, 1985). In other words, the nursing conceptualization under Orem’s theory is founded on self-care and management; such care and management which is supported by a holistic nursing of the person’s needs and disabilities. Nursing under Orem is also based on nursing agency and nursing systems theory. These are elements which make up the nursing practice under the metaparadigm concept of ‘nursing.’ According to Orem, nursing agency is the human power and action qualities related to nursing practice. Its exercise includes the establishment of the legitimacy of a relationship; initial operationalization of interpersonal systems; and diagnosis related to patient variables (Bridge, Cabell, and Herring, n.d). The nursing systems theory emphasizes that nursing systems are seen when the nurses adopt and deliver care which manages a patient’s individual and self-care capabilities – and such care then applies to therapeutic self-care requirements (Kozier, Erb, and Blais, 1997). Orem also emphasizes the fact that humans need constant inputs in order to remain alive; that human agency is practiced through care of self and others; that mature humans experience hardships through the restrictions in their self-care; and that

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Using evolutionary psychology to develop your own prediction about Essay

Using evolutionary psychology to develop your own prediction about communication - Essay Example He believed that laughter could be a sign of genetic fitness that attracts the opposite sex. What is not yet fully known is why men, in particular, are attracted to women’s laughter. The question is: Why can laughter make a woman attractive to men? The false alarm theory and sexual selection theory can be both used to explain why women’s laughter attract men. The false alarm theory states that people laugh to show that any possible anomaly or threat in the environment is not present (i.e. the initially thought of as an anomaly is a false alarm) (Ramachandran, 1998, p.352). It explains that laughter assures others that harm is not present in the environment, which also partially explains why laughter is done more when people are around than when alone (Provine, 1996). In connection to laughter, false alarm theory suggests that women laugh to signal that they are not in danger. They laugh when they are with men because they want to make sure that resources are saved by not sending an incorrect alarm signal. The second theory is sexual selection theory that states that laughter is attractive because it is a sign of fitness. My hypothesis is that women laugh to signal that they are not in harm’s way. This means that laughter reduces risks or perceptions of harm to men. At the same time, women laugh to show that they can take care of their children well because laughter is related to genetic fitness (Bressler & Balshine, 2006). Men are attracted to women who laugh because of lower threats in the environment and perception of women’s genetic fitness. My prediction is that men like women who laugh because the latter’s laughter signal lack of danger and ability to protect their offspring. Women’s ability to expel noise through laughter, is an indicator that they are good sexual mates because they are good mothers. In other words, when women laugh, they look sexier because laughter is connected to their ability to take care of their offspring

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

India's Globalization and Economic Development Essay

India's Globalization and Economic Development - Essay Example After India’s independence, economic managers took very cautious steps since they found the world sharply divided into two blocs. On one end, there were capitalist economies, particularly the US; on the other hand, there existed communist economies, primarily the USSR. This study will drive an evaluation of these competitive claims via a systematic investigation by use of an intensive case study. Foreign policy is the effort by a nation to capitalize on its state interest in the global environment. In 1947, India foreign policies strived to attain international peaceful environment, autonomy, strategic space, free of entanglement, conflicts, and alliances associated with Cold War while it concentrated on domestic activities aimed at nation building (Mukherjee and Malone 2). This India’s philosophy facilitated neither global economic growth nor corporation (Anonymous 14). In fact, it facilitates conflicts and collisions as Indian economic analysts assert that unlike dome stic policy, this India’s foreign policy attempt meets other states in search of the same goals for themselves and sometimes at India’s expense. ... India’s patterns of globalization side with hyperactive globalists and diplomats in spite of having existed since immemorial time. As of now, people understand foreign policy as a function of the modern state system since they can speak of the late Indian medieval policy. According to Westphalia state system, before India came to existence in the eighteenth century, she was losing sovereignty attributes and her capacity for foreign policy and independence. As a result, Imperial British interests prevailed over India’s foreign goals since the country was a dependant (Mukherjee and Malone 13). From the perspective of feminist economists, winners and losers of India appear represented in the process of globalization. For instance, due to his strong personality, Curzon tried to assert what Imperial British portrayed as India’s interests by sending Young on his expedition in Tibet. However, London reined on him so rapid to let go of his gains in order to preserve the overall British interests. The balance of power theory in conjunction with game theory put across that practitioners and diplomats analyses the working of global changes basing their facts on opportunities, joys of diplomacy, and threats. Therefore, transformers’ view of India’s globalization contradict with that of skeptics since the former believe they are fortunate to have lived in a time when India was undergoing the period of the fastest change and they aspire to practice foreign policy. Today the world is experiencing political diversities and economic values within groups where independent states do not want to accept burdens that come along with international leadership.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Knaan - Waving Flag Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Knaan - Waving Flag - Essay Example People have to unite and love each other regardless of race, ethnic background and culture. The artist gives an example using sporting activities because people from different background come and celebrate together. Repetition has been portrayed in various stances right from the start. For instance, â€Å"And then it goes back† has been repeated many times the chorus section of the song. The artist uses a symbol â€Å"Just like a waving flag† as he associates freedom to the waving flag (Metro Lyrics 1). During normal circumstance, the flag has to change directions. It can be deduced that the artist used the flag to symbolize that people can change their fortune within a short period. This means that the situation of both the poor and the rich can easily change. The waving nature of the flag also represents freedom of movement, expression, personality, and uniqueness. Exaggeration has been used in the verse, â€Å"Born to a throne, stronger than Rome† (Metro Lyric s 1). This is because the present generations come from wealthy families, who are also privileged. Imagery has been used in the lines which states that, â€Å"poor people zone, but its my home† (Metro Lyrics 1). The stanza makes the audience imagine of poor people, their homes and clothing. Poor people are always associated with poor living conditions, suffering, and hunger as brought out in the stanza. Theme of fantasy has also been portrayed in the same verse when Knaan refers to his home as a concrete object. An individual would have an emotional feeling after listening to the song (Metro Lyrics 1). It starts with portraying the poor living conditions experienced by Knaan while still in a war-torn nation of Somali and ends with an inspiration of living together regardless of race and ethnic background. Most people would love the song because it is educative. For instance, people would realize that freedom could only be achieved in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Is it morally acceptable to consider race and ethnicity as factors in Essay

Is it morally acceptable to consider race and ethnicity as factors in university admissions - Essay Example This was because racism was a major issue of concern during that period and supporting the admissions of racial minorities was considered as a step in overcoming this problem. The recent perspective for this encouragement of admissions of people from different races is the achievement of diversity in the educational institutions (Biskupic). Following the year 1978, there have been different legal proceedings on this issue and questions have been raised regarding the moral acceptability of the consideration of race and ethnicity as factors in university admissions. The year 2003 was very important in the United States with regard to the issue of consideration of races in university admissions. The Supreme Court gave a ruling that admissions in universities by utilizing race as a factor were constitutional if the selection was fair and proper methods of selection of the students were used. This ruling came in the cases relating to the University of Michigan. The court indicated two ben efits of this policy which included the fact that they brought positive effects for the society and they were also associated with bringing diversity to the universities which is a very important part of the educational atmosphere. Furthermore, President Faulkner also supported this ruling and presented positive thoughts on this ruling. He explained that groups that are ignored and not properly represented would be able to come forward and become active members of the society as well (Blum; Editorial). Thus, for the betterment of the society and the proper representation of all the people, the usage of race as a factor in university admissions is acceptable. An important legal proceeding which has challenged the previous rulings of the Supreme Court is the case of Abigail Fisher. Since almost three decades, the Supreme Court supported the utilization of race as a criterion for university admissions but it is now believed that the Court might reconsider its decision. Fisher is a resi dent of Houston and is a white and she has filed a petition against the University of Texas at Austin by claiming that her rejection by the university was unjust and unfair. She has put forward the fact that many students coming from ethnic minorities who had educational records like her were given admission by the university. The proceedings of this case have taken place in the Supreme Court and it is feared by many university administrators that the court might issue a verdict in favor of Fisher. While awaiting the judgment on the case, administrators of educational institutions have sited their fears with regard to this issue. Marvin Krislov who is the President of the Oberlin College of Ohio has put forward these concerns by explaining that the students of minority groups would greatly reduce if the verdict comes in favor of Miss Fisher (Biskupic). Furthermore, the decision of the University of Texas was supported by many universities across the United States and universities pr ovided their written opinions to the court to rule in favor of the University of Texas and allow it to follow its admission policies of considering race as a factor in admissions (Blum). The usage of race and ethnicity as a factor in university admissions has been banned in many states in the United States. These include California, Washington, Michigan, Nebraska and Arizona. The usage of rac

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Outline Home school and private school Essay Example for Free

Outline Home school and private school Essay What two objects, people, subjects, or concepts are you going to compare and contrast?   What are the similarities between the two objects, people, subjects, or concepts? List as many similarities that you can think of. Learning, working yourself towards a diploma to a better future, material used is the same (textbooks, quizzes, test) What are the differences between the two objects, people, subjects, or concepts? List as many differences that you can think of. Homeschool you get more one on one help and attention, greater social interaction in public schools, fights and bullying aren’t as likely in homeschool, flexibility in schedules Are you going to focus on similarities, differences, or both? Explain your rationale. I think it’s important to focus on both I believe there are more difference than similarities when it comes to homeschool vs. public school What do you want your readers to learn and understand after reading your essay? What is the purpose of your essay? The purpose is to show that while homeschool and public schools are different they both have their positive benefits and you have to choose the one that best suits you and your family. What three parallel points of comparison or contrast will you address in your essay? For example, if you were going to compare and contrast two teachers, your three parallel points might be these: Each teacher’s homework policy Each teacher’s classroom conduct policy Each teacher’s demeanor Social Interaction Flexibility of schedule and submitting assignments. Bullying Issues Explain why this is an appropriate and workable topic selection for the final assignment. This topic is appropriate for me because my husband and I have actually been discussing moving our children from public to home school due to my child being bullied by an older child. So I feel like choosing this topic can teach me something and help me in the future to make decisions for my own children. 1. What is your chosen topic from the list? Home School vs. Public School 2. Will you be comparing or contrasting the items? I will be comparing and contrasting home school and public school there are many important differences as well as similarities. 3. Will you be organizing your essay point-by-point or by subject? Point by point 4. What 3 characteristics will you be comparing or contrasting? Social interaction in public vs. home school, bullying, and the flexibility of schedules between both 5. What is your brainstorming plan? I will jot my ideas down as they come to me, I will research the differences and similarities, then make a rough draft. Emails and written letters vary because of the time involved for both senders and recipients. Emails are typed, and letters are hand-written. Typing is much quicker compared to hand writing. Emails can be sent with the click of a button. Letters must be sealed, stamped, and sent by what is today deemed â€Å"snail mail†. Emails can be sent much quicker than hand written letters. A recipient can go into his or her email account and quickly review an email. Letter recipients must wait for the mail, open the envelope and unfold the paper. Recipients receive emails much faster than those receiving written letters. Ultimately, emails and written letters have various differences in the ways that the messages are written, sent, and received, but they also differ because of the popularity of each.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Production of PR-protein 1 in Mangroves Leaves | Experiment

Production of PR-protein 1 in Mangroves Leaves | Experiment 1. Abstract One important trait of a plant is its ability to form natural barriers that keep harmful microorganisms away. For instance, mangrove leaves may produce a hormone called salicylic acid to inhibit the growth of fungal pathogens. Such a hormone may induce an antimicrobial substance known as Pathogenesis Related (PR) proteins. A lot of Pathogenesis related protein researches have been done with tobacco and tomatoes leaves. In this study, the aim of the experiment is to determine whether mangroves leaves induce the PR-protein 1. The mangrove leaves are treated with salicylic acid and are left for 7 days in order for leaves to induce proteins. The leaves extraction procedure is carried out by the reference procedure Verlag Paul Parey (1980) and Thierry Niderman (1995). The PR-protein 1 in the leaf extraction solution can be identified by using the SDS-PAGE technique, which the SDS detergent is sticking to the protein during denaturing of the protein and electrophoresis gel can separate the different PR protein family based on their molecular size. The molecular weight of protein bands can be categorized by using reference protein and the molecular weight of PR-protein is known as 14-17 kilo daltons. Acknowledgement Initially the gratitude I would like to extend to my supervisor and foremost, Mark Duxbury is of highest praise for his accomplishments in helping me to succeed in our field of study. Through-out my research project there has been a lot of work that i have strived to excel into a project worthy of my subject teachings, the questions that I have asked of him, he has never neglected to reply to in good time. Collectively with all the staff in the AUT laboratory, I would like to thank for providing all the equipment and chemical supplies and gear that have been used through-out the year in my research project. 2. Introduction There are approximately 70 different types of mangrove species in the world. Some countries have a variety of mangrove species, however New Zealand has only one species which is called Avicennia marina or Mana, it belongs to the Verbenaceae family that is a cosmopolitan species which is widely distributed along tropical and subtropical coastlines. Mangroves have been growing in New Zealand for more than 19 million years. Most mangroves tend to grow in warmer climates, which influences the diversity and size of growth in the tropics. Therefore, mangroves do not tend to survive in colder climates, and this is why all the mangroves in New Zealand are likely to grow in Northland because it is warmer there. They grow larger in warmer temperatures,so the optimum growth of mangroves in New Zealand is experienced within 60 centimetres of the tide line, and flourish mostly around placid waters with shelving along the shoreline, in and around harbours and estuaries. Otherwise alternative condi tions, harsh and rough water waves, can dislodge their roots as well as upset the silt that settles, which they require to grow. They can tolerate salt water even if submerged completely. This tolerance is not permanent, they need to be uncovered for half of either tide. 2-1. Importance of mangroves It is important to know about mangroves in New Zealand, what their role is in erosion control and what they support. Mangroves have wide a diversity in their roles of food webs and the support they have for animals and plants in their environment. There are four different reasons why the mangroves are important in New Zealand. Productivity of mangroves The productivity of Mangroves is measurable with close analysis of their reproductive parts, twigs and leaves, this measurement determines the organic matter of the plant, its energy and its ability to contribute environment. Food source The distribution of fresh organic matter is localised, the most important attribute of mangroves in New Zealand, is the dependence the environment has on them. They supports the greater habitat around the nearby harbours and estuaries. Reference to this process is called the food web, when the distribution feeds a range of animals like crabs that digest nutrients from mangrove and return these nutrients into the food web. Support for other plants Different varieties grow in different environments, in tropical environments, this supports low density growth on sandy shores and seagrass beds in between trees, and can form new beds with the upper edges of these mangroves from the edge of the forests. It is clear that these enviroments do not support the same growth as in New Zealand. Support for animals Mangrove beds are located in harsh conditions so the range of dependency on this plant life is limited, reasons being; decomposition of sediment, oxygen starvation, muddy flats and tidal exposure. The variety of animals that feed off mangroves are somewhat small but they include worms, mud crabs, shellfish, mud snails and whelks although terrestrial animals (spiders and insects) are also at home around mangroves. The range of inhabitants also varies with the location and nature of the sediment. 2-2 Defence mechanisms of plant Explanation of the first and second defence mechanisms of plant will follow, in the first defence mechanism the invasion of pathogens is protected by a physical barrier, in the plants developed cell wall, and is composed of cellulose, pectin and lignin etc. The second defence mechanism is different by the use of the plants chemical defence, by alkaloids, saponins and phenols. This process is a constitutive expression of the plants secondary metabolite. The reaction of the defence mechanism involves turning a cascade of genes to produce a plant-pathogen interaction. Production of reactive oxygen species, through cell wall defence and through other group proteins such as PR (pathogenesis-related). 3. Literature review Many of the PR proteins are diverse in their families, so that they are found in a lot of types of plants such as, 33 in Tobacco, 20 in sugar beets also in spinach. Classification of PR proteins that induce pathological and related states (Van Loon 1985), are a classification of family, through relationships of cellular form, amino acid sequences and biological activity, further families are identified as tobacco and tomatoes with classifying PR proteins. Sequence Homology is the term for the families of PR proteins, but are not defined only by this but also by migration, the specific reaction with antisera, biological activity also determines PR and resistance to interactions. Characters of cDNAs that reveal PR genes are seen in the systematic resistance in plants against pathogens, and incompatible hosts house bacteria, fungi and viruses, elicitors of PR genes derive molecules from pathogens. These proteins are found in different plant types, although healthy plants suffocate the c haracteristics of PR, multi gene families have the most PR proteins and are proven to inhibit the growth of fungi. Interestingly the use of large groups of PR genes can be characterised and used to sustain healthier responses to biotic and abiotic stress, to the betterment of transduction mechanisms and the measure of stress signals to return greater defence for enhanced engineering of crop plants. Necrotic lesions in plants, can be a result of the resistance produced by the PR. 3-1. Variation of infectious PR has been identified in the infected tissue of unhealthy plants, as well as in healthy plants, e.g Tomato plants are known to display seven PR's when they are in good health. Varieties of the plants also support PR proteins, in fact PR proteins are usually only present after stress, unlike flowers, pollens, stigma and seeds. Associated stress induced by pathogens is the dominant group PR-1 and is used as a signal for SAR. The research that has produced our current knowledge of PR-1 was undertaken in 1970, limited antifungal activity suggests it is a defence mechanism but the action it takes, and the relationship with other proteins is a new subject. 4. Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins PR proteins induced in a pathological environment allow the role of the proteins defence in the plant, that is the result of a reaction to infection to produce the PR. Antimicrobial proteins attack molecules in the cell wall that are bacterial or fungal. Host plants see the interaction of pathogens that are labelled as hypersensitive reactions, that are the proteins produced in the event of a pathogen attack there are 17 types discovered (Van Loon,2001) 4-1. PR-1 protein family. PR protein typically has 160 amino acids in length, although it is not clearly studied in biochemical properties, the most abundant group in the PR-protein family is PR-1 because of its high sensitivity to infection, it induces a very high level, between 1 and 2 percent of the protein in the leaf. There is a molecular marker of the expression of PR-1 that indicates the plants defence response, this particular protein is most studied in tobacco. Picture 1. Families of PR proteins The picture 1 showed different types of the PR-protein family and different PR-families that have different molecular sizes. The first family is the PR protein 1 and it has a molecular size of 15 to 17 kDa. The biochemical properties of the PR-1 family is not clearly established, so those stated are unknown. However, it is known that the PR-1 family is the most abundant group of proteins, which induce very high levels of PR Protein when infected (approximately 1 to 2 % of the total leaf protein). They are typically 160 amino acids in length and exist as an acid or base dependent on their functional grouping (Punja, Z. 2004). 4-2. Acidic Pathogenesis Related -1 Proteins Tomatoes, barley, maize, parsley, as well as other plants of the Graminae, Solanaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthiceae families have detected acidic pathogenesis related -1 proteins. The high resistance to proteolysis is adapted to the extracellular environment, and the protein in the plant is soluble in acidic buffers with low molecular weights. The protein P14 isoforms have been found in barley, and tomatoes which have a similar protein to tobacco, that respond to different polyclonal antibodies, unlike acidic PR-1 genes that do not target vacuolar peptide sequences form PR-1 has 138 amino acids that synthesize a higher molecular weight that contains N-terminal amino acids that produce K15da mature protein. 4-3. Basic Pathogenesis Related -1 Proteins Basic Pathogenesis Related -1 protein contains 30 amino acids in the hydrophobic N-terminal region of 30 amino acids, this is a signal peptide that is the translocation of endoplasmic reticulum the C-terminal peptide also contains the vacuolar targeting signals, for example in tobacco leaf PR-1 proteins are localised in extracellular space responding to TMV infection. The 17KDA are two basic isoforms, and PR-1 has an isoelectric point of 10.5 and 11.0, the exception between the similarities of PR-1 basic and PR-1 acidic is one amino acid sequence and are identified in maize, celery and other cereals. 5. Salicylic acid The benzoic acid derivative is Salicylic acid (SA), an important phytohormone is involved in the regulation of the plants defense mechanism. The important role that Salicylic acid fills in plant defence for the protection from pathogen attack, recently was proven to be necessary for SAR. Salicylic acid has a role that is observed in the plants defence mechanism was similar to the medication of aspirin in observation, the acid induced resistance to the mosaic virus in tobacco. The accumulation of PR proteins increased in resistance, and assumed as markers of the defence response. Biosynthesis has elucidated in the pathway of salicylic acid and has synthesized from benzoic acid into cinnamic acid, and this reaction catalyzes a function of cytochrome P450 monoxygenase. Salicylic acid is an essential compound in the signal pathways accompanied by an induced excess of acidic pathogens- related protein genes. The production of pathogenesis-related proteins is the role Salicylic acid holds in the resistance to pathogens. 6. SDS PAGE(Sodium dodecyl sulfate Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). SDS is anionic detergent consisting of 12 carbon tail attached to sulphate group, which has a negative charge. It also disrupts the non-covalent bond particularly protein and denatures the molecule. The protein can be denatured at certain temperature and lose their shape. At that stage, SDS can stick to the denatured protein due to similar shape and charge ratio as protein. PAGE separates the macromolecule based on their electrophoresis mobility. Smaller polypeptides travel faster and quickly through pores, while large polypeptides travel slower. The polypeptides have similar charge to mass ratio which is dependent only on molecular weight. Factors in Business Cash Budgeting: With Examples Factors in Business Cash Budgeting: With Examples Contents (Jump to) Task One (p3d) XYZ Traders Cash Budget Task Two (p3abc) Alpha Manufacturing Budgets Task Three (p4abc) Beales Manufacturing – Variances Task Four (p2ab) Beales Manufacturing – Standard Cost Bibliography XYZ Traders Cash Budget Introduction In this report Part A presents a cash budget for XYZ Traders for the six month period from December 2008 to May 2009. Part B comments on the cash flow forecast and outlines the benefits of improved cash flow for the Company and recommends management consider a cash flow improvement program. Part A – Cash Flow Budget December 2008 – May 2009 Table 1 Table 1 shows the cash flow budget based on the following criteria: Cash balance as at 1 December 2008 totals  £2,600 Furniture units sold at  £100 each Furniture units purchased for  £60 each Customer collections on the basis of 50% in month of sale and the balance the following month Purchases paid for in the month following delivery Fixed expenses are  £4,000 per month Loan repayment of  £10,000 due in April 2009 Stock units carried over from October into November 2008 unknown Part B – Budget Cash Flow Commentary The cash flow budget/forecast for the next six months: is cash positive for each of the six months under review will generate sufficient cash for the  £10,000 loan repayment on schedule in April 2009 will allow supplier payment on time one month after receipt of goods has a lowest cash balance of  £1,200 at the end of April following the loan repayment in the same month Recommendation – Cash Flow Improvement Program The cash flow budget indicates that XYZ can continue trading for the next six months without recourse to additional funding. However improving cash-flow can have a number of benefits including: reducing the equity required to finance the business reducing loans and interest payments required for working capital releasing funds for expansion and/or new business activities providing funds for profit distribution to the owners/shareholders We recommend management plan and implement a coordinated program to improve cash-flow. Specific areas for consideration are: minimise inventory by introducing a â€Å"just-in-time† (JIT) arrangement where suppliers orders are placed at the time of customer purchase for receipt a day or two before delivery to the customer eliminate inventory (except for show-room stock) by arranging for suppliers to deliver direct to customers under XYZ Traders instructions and identity negotiate extended payment terms with the suppliers, say, three months credit encourage customers to pay the full purchase price on order placement offer sales on credit with a reputable finance company increase sales volumes with well designed and executed advertising and customer incentive programs reduce overheads and expenses with a cost-reduction program Alfa Manufacturing – Budget Report Introduction This report recommends Alfa Manufacturing introduce a budgetary control system. Section A outlines the purpose and benefits of budgets and Section B describes two possible budget formats, incremental and zero based budgeting and examines the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Section A – Budgets, Purposes and Benefits The primary purpose for introducing a budgeting system is to provide the Company with a powerful tool for planning and monitoring business performance. It improves productive effectiveness and enhances coordination between the various arms of management to achieve the overall Company aims. Budgets represent the primary means of communicating agreed-upon objectives throughout the organization. A budget is a formal written statement of the Companies plans for a specified time period. The principle element of a budget is to plan and predict future income and expenditure against a time-scale, usually on a monthly basis covering a calendar or accounting year. Actual income and expenditure is recorded as it occurs and monitored on a regular basis against the plan or budget. The differences between planned and actual results are monitored, reported and the variances analysed and explained. In summary, the benefits of a budget are that: Management must develop a comprehensive plan for the future. Key objectives are agreed for monitoring and performance evaluation. Potential problems are identified well in advance. Coordination of activities within the business is facilitated. Management is more aware of the Companies overall operations. Each level of management participates in the planning, preparation and monitoring of financial activity. The budget must have the complete support of top management and is an important tool for measuring and evaluating managerial performance. Contemporary budgeting has been defined as a system wherein managers are provided with the flexibility to utilize resources as required, in return for their commitment to achieve certain performance results (Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 2008). Section B – Budgeting Systems This section contrasts and compares two basic budgeting methodologies currently in use in industry today, Incremental Budgeting and Zero Based Budgeting. Incremental Budgeting (IB) is the traditional approach to budgeting which relies on historical information and the previous years budget as a basis for the preparing the input and data for the following year’s budget. For example, let’s say last year’s sales budget was for 1000 units at  £500, giving sales revenue of  £500,000. For next year’s budget the market for the product is anticipated to improve by 10% giving unit sales at 1100 thus giving budget sales revenue of  £550,000. Similarly costs would be based on last years budget, modified by projected inflationary factors. Anticipated raw material price increases and labour rates are used in the cost of production and increases in say, rent and utilities would reflect in overheads. Managers will prepare their individual budgets based on a series of pre-determined criteria and assumptions which are normally provided by top management, finance and accounts. The advantages of IB are that it is: relatively easy to implement easy to understand and appreciate less time-consuming to prepare than ZBB a â€Å"top down† approach with the same basic assumptions for all The disadvantages of IB are that it: assumes that the budget methodology and cost structure is correct encourages expectations of inflationary increases predicts sales will reflect the market without competitive analysis encourages departments to spend all of their allocated budget Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) is an approach to budgeting that starts from the premise that no costs or activities should be factored into the plans for the coming budget period, just because they figured in the costs or activities for the current or previous periods. Rather, everything that is to be included in the budget must be considered and justified. (Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accounting, 2006). Another definition is the use of budgets which start from a present base of zero and regard all future expenditure as being on new items rather than a continuation of existing ones. In practice this means that a budget has to be justified in full for each year of operation (Steven A. Finkler, 2003). In implementing this process each manager must critically examine his own activities and operations and build his budget from scratch. The advantages of ZBB are that it: questions accepted beliefs focuses on value for money links budgets and objectives involves managers leading to better communication and consensus can lead to better resource allocation is an adaptive approach in changing circumstances The disadvantages of ZBB are that it: is time-consuming and adds to the effort involved in budgeting can be difficult to identify suitable performance measures can be seen as threatening–careful people management is required is about costs and resources of options ignoring current practice can be difficult to comprehend and execute by managers with little financial knowledge and skills Recommendation Since Alpha Manufacturing has no previous experience of budgetary control it is recommended that an Incremental Budgeting program is introduced initially. The budget can be prepared using historical data with guidelines and assumptions provided to each manager by the Finance Department. Beales Manufacturing plc:  Flexible Budgeting Introduction This report examines the budget and actual results for October. It flexes the budget to actual output, provides a variance analysis and identifies possible causes for each negative variance. Managerial accountability for each variance is suggested and possible remedial actions for the unfavourable variances identified. The benefits of using flexible budgets are explained and it is recommended that this technique be introduced as a feature of Beales’ regular budget reviews. Variance Analysis and Explanations Table1 shows the results of the budget and actual output for October, flexed to actual output with each variance examined for possible causes, accountabilities and suggested remedial actions. Benefits of Flexible Budgeting Static budgets have the disadvantage of providing a single specific predicted volume of output. In reality, it very unlikely that the actual output exactly matches the budget. Thus any comparison of actual output to budget suffers from the problem that some of the variances, particularly for variable costs such as labour and materials, will be as a direct result of the differences in the volume of output. Flexible budgets provide an after the facts device to tell what it should have cost for the volume level actually attained (Steven A. Finkler 2003) They are a useful tool for analysing the effects of variations in volume of output against the original budget. Dennis Caplan (2006) suggests that â€Å"the motivation for the flexible budget is to compare apples to apples. If the factory actually produced 10,000 units, then management should compare actual factory costs for 10,000 units to what the factory should have spent to make 10,000 units, not to what the factory should have spent to make 9,000 units or 11,000 units or any other production level.† Recommendation For Beales Manufacturing to make the best use of the budgeting process it is recommended that flexible budgets are prepared each month. Variance analysis as demonstrated above will assist management to implement contingency plans to correct any unfavorable trends and enhance profitability. Beales Manufacturing plc:  Standard Costing Introduction This section defines and describes the principles of Standard Costing. It is an accounting technique which provides a powerful tool for management to analyze business performance and plan improvements. An example of a standard cost is derived from the October budget and the use of variance analysis to identify problem areas and possible remedial actions. Definition Standard costing involves the development of a product or service cost using estimates of both the resources consumed and the prices of those resources. The standard cost may then be increased by an estimated profit margin to produce a standard selling price. These estimates of cost and revenue then provide a foundation for further planning and control (Barrie Mitchinson 2000) Illustration The best way to illustrate the benefits of standard costing is to use the October budget data to arrive at an example of a Standard Cost. This cost can then be compared with the actual unit cost for October and the variances analysed as shown in Table 3 below. Standard Unit Cost vs. Actual (October) From this analysis specific product cost information can be derived. For example, although raw material costs per meter were below standard cost, more material than standard was required to complete the production schedule. Why was that? The manager responsible for production will be able to use the information to investigate the unfavourable variance. Possibly scrap rates were excessive so improved quality control could help reduce or eliminate the problem. Raw material costs were also above standard which will alert the purchasing manager to an overrun of purchasing costs which may require action. Recommendation We recommend that Beales consider the introduction of Standard Costing to provide management with a powerful tool to improve efficiency, productivity and product profitability. Bibliography Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 2008, Budgeting Budget Controls Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accounting, 2006, Zero Based Budgeting Briefing Paper, Steven A. Finkler, 2003, p158, Finance Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers, CCH Tax and Accounting Steven A. Finkler, 2003, p162, Finance Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers, CCH Tax and Accounting Dennis Caplan, 2006, Management Accounting: Concepts and Techniques, OSU College of Business, Barrie Mitchinson, 2000, Standard Costing and Fixed and Flexed Budgets, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Downfall Of Music Today :: essays research papers

The Downfall of Today’s Music The nineties began with the grunge scene, an alternative style of rock and roll that revolutionized rock music today. This music that was once praised by MTV was gradually pushed out to make way for the sound of generic rap beats, watered down heavy metal and sugar coated pop tunes. The pattern of the nineties is nothing new. The seventies and eighties both saw fresh new music that preceded a pour attempt at a new innovative sound. In the seventies disco followed the likes of rock legends such as Jimi Hendrix, The Doors and Pink Floyd. The eighties began with such innovative bands as Dire Straits, Van Halen and the Red Hot Chili Peppers and ended with groups like New Kids on the Block and Milli Vanilli that overlapped into the early nineties. The nineties began with an original brand of rock, alternative. This style of music produced bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Alice and Chains that revolutionized rock and roll. Some of these bands are still around today but are over shadowed by the trendy pop and rap The rock and pop groups of today are primarily concerned with an image they are trying to achieve through music videos. Bands like Limp Bizkit and Korn are chief examples of groups who try to attain a hard-core image but are failing. They claim to have a large underground following but in reality they are just another MTV band that is identified by its multi-million dollar music videos. If you have to spend that much money on a video you must be compensating for something. This is true with groups like the Backstreet Boys, N’sync and Brittany Spears. Without their music videos they would be nothing. The songs that these groups produce are very simple pop tunes that thrive off the bands look and fashion statements. The rap music of today shares many characteristics of the pop/rock industry. They are primarily concerned with money. It is not about the quality of the rhymes being released but about how many they can put out in a year. The result is music that is very monotonous and thin. The albums are released so frequently that people never get a chance to realize how one-dimensional their favorite rapper is, and are buying their next album. The other side of the rap industry is filled with phonies.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

French Influence of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight :: Sir Gawain Green Knight Essays

French Influence of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sir Gawain and the Green Knight utilizes the convention of the French-influenced romance. What sets this work apart from regular Arthurian or chivalric romances is the poet's departure from this convention.   The clearest departure takes place at the resolution of the piece as the hero, Sir Gawain, is stricken with shame and remorse rather than modest knightly pride, even after facing what appears to be certain death and returning to his king alive and well.   Although this manner of closure would leave much to be desired for an audience who is interested in reading a ridigly conventional romance, the coexistence of the romantic convention with the departure from it inspires questions concerning why the author would choose to work within such guidelines and what the significance is of breaching those guidelines.   By employing the chivalric convention in romantic literature and then going beyond it to reveal other ways of thinking, the writer challenges the very notion of chivalric conventions of the surrounding social climate.   He demonstrates throughout the work a need for balance.   As symbolied by the pentangle worn by Sir Gawain, representing the balanced points of chivalric virture, each being codependent of the other in order to remain a whole, the narrative could be considered as a      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What accompanies an appreciation for the seemingly sudden shift from the typical romance at the end of the piece is the raised awareness that the change does only seem to be sudden.   Careful exlporation of the plot, setting, and character descriptions illuminates several deviations from the established convention of the ideal society existing within the text.   The effect is then a type of balancing act-- blah blah blah      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The opening of the piece sets a fairly typical stage for an Anthurian romance, giving relevant historical and geographical information. King Arthur's court is going on as it is expected to be within the social constructs, merrily feasting and celebrating the Christmas holiday.   The entrance of the Green Knight into Arthur's court marks a significant event. He is a courtly figure from their recognizable world.   He appears as a knight ought to appear: tall, handsome, and fashionably dressed; however, the Green Knight's adherence to the conventions of the court is offset by

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hesses Siddhartha as it Parallels Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Essay

Hesse's Siddhartha as it Parallels Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs    Several parallels can be drawn between the psychologist Abraham Maslow's theoretical hierarchy of needs and the spiritual journey of Siddhartha, the eponymous main character in Herman Hesse's novel.   Maslow's hierarchy of needs is somewhat of a pyramid that is divided into eight stages of need through which one progresses throughout one's entire life. During the course of his lifetime, Siddhartha's personality develops in a manner congruent with the stages of Maslow's hierarchy.   Siddhartha's progress from each of the major sections of the hierarchy is marked by a sharp change in his life or behavior. Siddhartha is the story of a young man's journey in search of truth. Early in life, Siddhartha and his friend Govinda hear the teachings of the Buddha.   Govinda is convinced of the validity of the Buddha's teachings and becomes one of his followers.   Siddhartha, on the other hand, was not satisfied with the Buddha's teachings because he believed that it was not possible to obtain true enlightenment through the words of others but that it must be experienced empirically.   Siddhartha therefore rejects the life of a Brahmin to become a Samana (a wandering person who gives up material possessions for his faith).   After he tires of this life, he moves on to learn the art of love from a woman named Kamala and the art of business from a man named Kamaswami.   He lives his new life for many years but then begins to feel that his mind has become stagnant and that he needs something new in his life.   He abandons the surroundings he now finds decadent and becomes frie nds and lives with a ferry-man who he met years before.   He spends the rest of his life with ... ...e of material wants and was truly happy just to exist.   He realized his potential and found wonder in the world around him. At some time during life, everyone must face Siddhartha's challenge. Everyone spends their life trying to attain self fulfillment and true contentment.   And during that time, one must remember the importance of the journey itself, not only the actual achievement.   Although not everyone reaches that goal, it is that goal which motivates people to strive to be their very best, knowing that lasting happiness sits shining atop the pyramid.    Works Cited Hesse, Herman. Siddhartha. New York: New Directions Publishing Company, 1951. Glenn, Jerry. Monarch Notes. The Major Works of Herman Hesse. New York: Monarch Press, 1973. Schultz, Duane . Theories of Personality. Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1976.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Financial Analysis on Retail Industry Essay

This analysis studied financial information of three multinational corporations in the retail industry, Ralph Lauren, American Eagle, and Gap. This examination is predominantly and analysis of Ralph Lauren and American Eagle, and it compares its financials and performance to that of Gap. In order to reach a decision on which firm my company should invest in; we recreated and cleaned both company’s financial statements followed by an analysis using key financial ratios and metrics. My company is searching for the firm that would be more profitable in the following fiscal years. After completing an in-depth analysis of these companies, we concluded that Gap would be the best investment for future growth in the industry of retail. Gaps sales growth may not be relatively high compared to other industry leaders but it is on the rise. Also the sales decrease can be related to the closing of stores and restructuring of international operations. This also relates to net income growth showing signs of regression in the past fiscal years. Gap’s EBIT Margin and EBITDA Margin suggest that the company is healthy and also properly managed. These ratios show us that the sales growth and net income growth decreases are due to other factors in the business. Gap will show to be the right choice for our company to invest in as well as other industry research that we have done to help make this investment persuasive. Gap Inc.200920102011 Sales Growth-7.8%-2.3%3.3% Net Income Growth 16.1%14.0%9.3% EBIT Margin10.7%12.8%13.4% EBITDA Margin15.1%17.5%17.9% Case Write Up and Analysis All three of these multinational corporations generate their revenues in the apparel: retail brand industry. Gap is headquartered in San Francisco, California and the year-end date is January 30. American Eagle is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and their year-end date is January 30. Ralph Lauren is headquartered in New York, New York and there year-edn  date is April 3. To perform this case analysis to determine which company which is more profitable using key financial ratios and metrics accompanied with industry research and trends of the apparel retail sector. We have recreated and cleaned financial statements for Ralph Lauren and American Eagle, comparing both to Gap. Using these recreated financial statements, we have performed a case analysis of these three companies in order to find out which company was most profitable. Gap is the largest of the three with a market capitalization of nearly 16 billion while Ralph Lauren comes in second with roughly 15 billion market capitalization. Although Gap leads with market capitalization, American Eagle generates the most revenue that leads to highest net income as well, compared to both Gap and Ralph Lauren. Ralph Lauren does not lead these companies with its revenues and income but rather with its margins. They are consistently above the industry average and are also much higher relative to the other companies we analyzed. Ralph Lauren also shows the best percentage of sales growth in the past fiscal years. Sales Growth3 Yr Trend Polo14.3%21.8% American Eagle0.9%6.5% Gap-2.3%3.3% For apparel retailers, new fashion trends and steady flow of promotions will help a low single digits increase in sales in 2012. This is what you see with Gap and American Eagle they do not show major increases in sales growth but on steadily rising at roughly 5% in the three year trend. Ralph Lauren shows a jump of 7% which could be due to the luxury brand section of retail section because of the opportunities in emerging markets such as Asia and Latin America according to industry reports. American Eagle plans on accelerating growth through internet sales. This generates higher margins for the company, last year it accounted for 12% of company revenues. This trend is also apparent in the other two companies because most retailers want to offer the convenience of online shopping to customers. The online channel provides a cost effective way for retailers to widen their reach  across existing and new markets. Gap intensified its international strategy as well, opening stores in Eur ope and China, and outlets; accompanied by an e-commerce platform in Canada, Europe, and China. The company has 22% of sales from regions outside the US, up 7.6% from the year-ago period. This industry shows a thrust of penetration in the international markets looking to increase in the next few years. Teenagers also play an important role in the industry trends. With 7.1% of US population they have been a powerful force in retail with the leading beneficiaries being Gap, Abercrombie, American Eagle, and Urban Outfitters. This ties sales growth for both Gap and American Eagle due to a majority of the teen population shopping at these two companies. Helping increase sales growth and produce for revenues for the firm. The biggest window for opportunity in the retail sector seems to be the overseas markets but especially China, according to the S&P industry reports. Gap’s profitability has grown over the past three years showing larger EBIT and EBITDA margins which shows strong management and healthy earnings. Ralph Lauren is also growing profitably as well as their margins have increased with time. American Eagle has been on teetering between being profitable and running efficiently to stay in the game. Net Income Growth3 Yr Trend Polo18.4%20.0% American Eagle-16.8%7.9% Gap14.0%9.3% On the margin side of things Polo seems to be the best company, this is because they are a luxury brand which tends to have higher margins. This makes up for their lack of revenues because people buy less quantity of the luxury brands and tend to buy more of the standard products that are affordable and still have above average quality, such as Gap Inc. and American Eagle. The industry research showed that the recent drop in cotton prices will help retail companies enormously in profit margins. This will help companies such as Gap and American Eagle more than luxury brands like Ralph Lauren. This is shown in Gap’s trends in the past years for EBIT Margins; in 2009 they had 10.7% which increased to 12.8% in 2010; this is a 2.1% increase. This increased another .6% to 13.4% in 2011, this can be  projected to grow even more in 2012 with more drops in the cotton prices. Gap reported that two-thirds of their increases were in the drop in cotton prices. Polo has also seen increases in EBIT margins but not in such a drastic change. From 2010 to 2011 they had a .7% increase on EBIT margin and then slowed down to a .2% growth from 2011 to 2012. This is because they were less affected by the change in cotton prices. American Eagle showed a decrease in EBIT margins in 2012 with a change of -3.4%. This loss should not be as great as reported because in 2012 they had a loss on impairment of assets which is not a recurring expense. EBIT Margin3 Yr Trend Polo14.7%15.4%15.6% American Eagle10.6%10.7%7.3% Gap10.7%12.8%13.4% EBITDA margin adds back the expenses taken out from depreciation and amortization, two non-cash expenses. Adding back those two expenses increases both companies EBIT margins by 4-5% for the three years analyzed. Ralph Lauren’s EBITDA margins seem to be declining in the three year trend which could raise questions about their assets and property plant and equipment expenses being raised. On the other hand you can see Gap showing strong 1-2% increases in both EBIT and EBITDA. Another key metric of financial profitability of a firm is earnings per share. Ralph Lauren’s earning per share is $7.09, as they are a more profitable firm within the industry and do not have a lot of debt on their balance sheet, with little leverage, is the reason there earnings per share are consistent and usually higher than the other two firms. Gap’s earning per share comes in at $2.05, they do not carry a lot of debt on their statements which means they don’t carry much leverage as well, giving them a decent earnings per share. They also repurchased stocks from the public which is another reason the earnings per share are moderately low. American Eagle had a earning per share of $0.96, this is due to the fact that they have more shares outstanding than their net income at the end of each year. They also carry no debt on their balance sheet so do not need to leverage themselves. EBITDA Margin3 Yr Trend Polo19.4%19.0%18.3% American Eagle15.2%15.4%11.8% Gap15.1%17.5%17.9% Return on Equity shows how the company is profitable compared to their equity. Ralph Lauren and Gap have shown substantial growth on this in the past three years. This is due to their growth in sales due to expanding sales into emerging markets such as Asia and Latin America, while maintaining level equity in their companies. Gap was also able to buy back some stock which made them able to increase their return on equity. American Eagle has stayed constant the past three years, this happened because they increased equity similar to their increase in net sales. Return on assets shows how the company is profitable compared to their assets. Gap increased their return on assets because they closed numerous shops around the world that were not performing to their standards and also leasing all of their stores. This decreased their assets while maintaining high sales which gave them a better return on assets. Polo was able to increase return on assets by 1% each year, they were able to do this by having sufficient sales growth. The return on assets is also improved because many retail companies entered the fall season with inventory levels in line with sales trends. This means that companies are not over producing product so they are able to sell their product at a maximum price, this maximizes their sales in which maximizes their return on assets. This has the same effect on return on equity. ROE3 Yr Trend Polo15.4%17.2%18.6% American Eagle10.7%10.4%10.7% Gap22.0%22.5%29.5% ROA 3 Yr Trend Polo10.3%11.4%12.6% American Eagle7.9%7.5%7.8% Gap12.8%13.8%17.0% While analyzing financial leverage Polo has the most debt to equity on its balance sheets ranging in 8-9%. Compared to American Eagle and Gap which has little to no debt ranging from 0-1%. Gap has most likely paid of its debts from previous years and now rent their property and stores eliminating the cost of long term debt. American Eagle is very similar with actually 0% debt in the three year trend. Polo is a moderately leveraged company which brings on the additional risk of carrying debt, although can boost earnings per share for profitability. Maximizing sales by keeping inventory levels in line with sales trends helped maximize these companies leverage. Companies that over produce products have to sell at discounts to get rid of inventories; this is not good because they lose out on profits and do not maximize their leverage. Also companies that do not produce enough products lose out on sales; this also does not maximize leverage. All three of these companies were able to keep their inventories in line with sales trends. Gap was able to decrease their debt to equity by buying back stock and maintaining a normal level of debt. Polo was able to decrease their debt to equity by buying back some stock and maintaining a level amount of debt. Debt to Equity 3 Yr Trend Polo9.0%9.0%8.0% American Eagle0.0%0.0%0.0% Gap1.0%0.0%0.0% All of these companies had similar ideas with their cash activities regarding buying back shares in 2011. American Eagle has the best position on cash, this is due to that they have no debt to pay back so all of their cash back into the company or into dividends. American Eagle bought back shares in 2011 to possibly help raise earnings per share. Gap also has a good cash flow; they also did the same thing and bought back shares in 2011. Polo was the worst out of the three but is still in good standing; they followed suit and also bought back shares in 2011. It is important for Polo to have a good cash flow because they still have long-term debts to pay back. Ending Cash Balance201020112012 Polo $ 95.7 $ (123.3) $ 228.0 American Eagle $ 2,317.9 $ (63.2) $ 511.5 Gap $ 620.0 $ (812.0) $ 307.0 We expect Gap to be the most profitable because they have high revenues, little to no debt, in good standing with creditors, and have good margins. This is better than Ralph Lauren because industry research shows that luxury brands will slow in growth while standard brands will continue to grow. Although Gap does not have the highest sales growth their market capitalization will help them succeed in emerging markets such as Asia and Latin America. Also with the decrease in cotton prices Gap is now able to have larger profit margins while keeping a lower priced product with the same quality. This increase in profit margins Gap will be able to generate the most amount of cash flow. With the trends continuing with their margins combined with the growth of new markets their cash flow will increase substantially. Ralph Lauren has been noted so have some corporate social responsibility problems in Indonesia where they have broken up unions that have tried to improve working conditions. This issue as well as others should be considered because more and more people now a day are taking into consideration the companies CSR before buying their product. Gap Inc. sets a high standard for their manufactures to up hold health and safety standards. They admit that some places still do not follow these regulations but Gap puts in a lot of resources into fixing them or even terminating the business with them. This is good because they are socially responsible and are willing to terminate business to stay responsible. Most companies try to stay socially responsible by implementing certain regulations for working conditions in third world countries so they do not bad mouth their own firm. The International Labor Organization and United Nations try to keep them in check in order to protect people and the en vironment. The information that we would like to request from senior management at each firm would be the growth forecasts and document containing information about international expansion. It seems apparent that international markets are next big opportunity for the retail sector to increase revenues and income for most firms in this sector. This would help us invest in the company that will grow larger in the years to come as well as forecast numbers for potential growth which would help with our decision making process.

Personal Development Plan to evaluate strategic skills

In this instance survey I like to put to death a personal audit from my ain activity and how it is acquiring related to my personal and professional life relevantly. Furthermore to analyse my ain accomplishments, I have designed a questionnaire to happen the strength, failing, chances and menaces. There are different methods of larning manners in which I have opted honey and mumford, which contains militant, reflector, theoretician and pragmatist. Theorist manner is the one which is best for me and to develop my ain accomplishments for better calling. In the patterned advance program I have tabulated a personal development chart and how the professional accomplishments are helpful for leading demands. To develop our leading skills we are need to be self motivated and effectual communicating accomplishment is required.2.1 Personal audit to measure the strategic accomplishmentsPersonal auditA is an of import measure when you are developing a calling alteration. If we are acute about bettering callings, so we need to build a elaborate perceptive of our strengths and endowments. If we are seeable on this, so it is easy can measure calling dreams with your accomplishments and strength physically. When we improve the personal accomplishments, at the same time our professional accomplishments are acquiring developed when we work in an organisation. And more over that leads us to better our cognition and to accomplish a strategic end.2.1.1 Personal SWOT analysisSWOT analysis has been loosely used as a analytical and project-planning tool. And this analysis helps us to concentrate on cardinal issues of importance to the undertaking in manus. Furthermore the SWOT procedure can besides be used in a personal position. When used in this way it can demo us how to take full advantage of students ‘ endowment and abilities. It can assist to expose new larning chances and eliminate perceived menaces in the acquisition environment.StrengthsSelf assurance and ego motive are my lone strength and due to this strength I have crossed several critical phases. By lifting my accomplishments I performed really good in my organisation and that leads me in a good appellation. Furthermore I can talk about my watchfulness and caution as my strength.FailingMy immense failing is being unagitated. Because of this people around me takes more advantage and that puts me in defeated phase. And I am truly unable to do determinations rapidly. Due to this I am missing from my normal plants.OpportunitiesDreams, ends and wants are been considered as chances. And there is a stating as â€Å" chance knocks the door merely one time † . Likewise I got an chance in my organisation an twelvemonth ago..i utilized the chance and at present I am working as a supervisor in my organisation. i found tonss of troubles, but I enjoyed confronting those critical state of affairss. I took it in a positive manner as a good lesson. And now I can pull off any critical circumstance, which is made by client or by my squad people I can counter it really easy. In this instance I can state larning from experience manner as my leading manner.MenacesI found tonss of menaces in my life, In which I can stat e few illustrations as when I arrive united land I find so difficult to last and felt bad in some state of affairss. Basically to happen any topographic points and to make my school in clip while larning. hence chances and threatsA can be used to foreground the deductions of this for instruction and learning.A Beginnings: hypertext transfer protocol: // Preferred Learning StyleHoney and MumfordMy learning outcome manner is Honey and Mumford, Honey and Mumford ( Peter and Alan ) are best known for theirA cognition manner questionnaire. This self-administered questionnaire determines yourA preferred learning manner. As a consequence of meaningful learning manner, we can alsoA avert reiterating mistakesA by enterprising activities that strengthen new manners.Beginnings: By Lyndsay Swinton Owner, Management for the Rest of Us.hypertext transfer protocol: // Each of us learns in unusual ways. a few of us wish to analyze in deepness before we attempt a undertaking ; others reasonably to â€Å" acquire trapped into the occupation † and larn as we go aboard. Some of us are fulfilled when the methods we use to acquire the occupation done, others are excess bothered withA whyA a peculiar attack proved successful. nevertheless others spend clip thought from get downing to stop how the undertaking could be tackled more successfully following clip. Research by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford suggests that we may usefully see 4 basic â€Å" learning manners † They are:MilitantReflectorTheoristPragmatist.TheoristTheorists learn from most first-class activities where they observe and assume before talking. They work with unstructured rules and their uncertainness is truly high. Theorists think jobs through step- by-step. They tend to be perfectionists who like to suit things into a rational strategy. Theorist put them in complex state of affairs where they are truly necessitate to utilize their accomplishments and cognition. Theorists are offered interesting thoughts or constructs even though they are non instantly relevant. Theorists are academically stretched, e.g. by analyzing Logical, Rational, Objective, Perfectionist, and Restricted sidelong thought and evaluating, so generalize it. They do n't wish vacillation They do n't wish prejudice Keen on cardinal premises, rules, theories, theoretical accounts and systems base thought. Beginning: †¦ learning/learning_styles/hmlearningstyles.ppt Beginnings: hypertext transfer protocol: // Developing a Personal Development PlanYour demands How can you run into those demands? How it is of import for me? How will you cognize when you have met those demands? What are the challenges in my occupation current that I need to run into? I need to accomplish something and travel for higher appellation when I meet those accomplishments I can put my calling in a good concern in hereafter. Where I can acquire full secured life. When I develop my accomplishments, I can recognize myself by to the full motivated and I do acquire good ability to manage any critical fortunes. Where do I desire to be in 2 old ages? I wish to be in a really monolithic concern, in which I like to take a good squad. Obviously I will acquire benefit and half of the calling end will be achieved. When I am keeping a large squad in a monolithic concern, so certain I will be known my success. Where do I desire to be in 5 or 10 old ages? To be honest, in following 5 old ages I want to be as a HR director, and to be as a good household adult male. When I get settled in calling sure its aid for my household and my future dreams. If I get a good occupation. How does that tantrum in with what the pattern wants? If we get more experience so certain we can make the life clip end. Deriving more cognition and we can learn our friends and household people every bit good. I feel if I improve my communicating accomplishment and assurance. Then iam sure that I can run into the complications in life.. What adjustments will I need to do for me to accomplish what I want? Need to co operate with people and carry through our plants. We learn more in life. It helps me in my hereafter. When I present a presentation without any vacillation. Then its half achieved. What accommodations will other people need to do for me to accomplish what I want? Peoples need to understand others concerns and should seek to actuate instead than knocking. There wont be any letdowns. When we start accomplishing twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours demands. Then I will come to cognize my success. What else should I see? I need to see with good experient individuals. Because patterns plays a major function in all plants I can cognize myself whether iam traveling in right way. When learning my work to others..3.2 The Outcomes Of Personal Development PlanIn this instance I feel that I am truly theorist when I analyzed myself rationally From this development program I evaluated myself that if I need something to accomplish, we are suppose to be self motivated and energetic. This plays a major function where the people who works with me get trained by seeing myself. From this I came to cognize that the leading accomplishments are more of import for each of us to accomplish their aspire. When we work with a skilled worker V learn so many things. For case. In my organisation there are so many people who r truly dedicated and ability to confront such critical places. When we get some duties in our organisation we need to manage it skilfully furthermore when we work with good preparation directors, we will cognize what clip direction is and how we need to segregate and schedulize the work professionally. Furthermore this professionalism helps us to put a good calling where of all time we go for occupation. if we get placed in a large concern like Mercedes benz. The leading is so immense and the working accomplishment is extremely qualified. Taking duty to educate yourself about emphasis provides you with a strong foundation for perpetrating yourself to pull offing emphasis more efficaciously.The Impact Of Own Learning Against The Achievement Of Strategic Goals..

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Marriage Is Important in Turkey Essay

I cannot imagine a Turkey without marriage. Marriage in literal meaning the contract made by a man and woman to live as husband and wife but in religious meaning Marriage is valued as a sacrament because the couple is keeping each other’s merits intact by committing themselves and by committing to God that they both will keep God’s word. Islamic belief, having a family and sexuality are some of the reasons why marriage is important. Marriage is a crucial part of a Turkish Muslim’s life because God ordered us to get married and the prophet Muhammad (s.a.v.) said that person who acquires the means to marry and does not marry then he is not from amongst us. The scholars of Islam have asserted that when God states an order in the Quran, this order becomes compulsory on man so marriage is an obligatory behaviour. Islam gives the right to a woman to be a wife of a man. This is a big distinctness because in these days a man is not guilty if he has relationships with a w oman outside of marriage but the moment he contracts to treat this woman equally as his wife, he is charged with illegal behaviour. Marriage is the foundation for a family in Turkey. If one wants children he/she should get married because children need role-models in their lives. Having a mother and father in the home can provide children with a male and female role model. Children need both parents because each parent provides a unique role to the child. There are certain qualities that a mother possesses that cannot be offered by the father. Where families are broken young people do not receive the support they need. Nowadays fornication is considered to be something which one should feel proud of with a ‘the more the better’ motto. Many teenagers are led into this behaviour and then suffer the consequences when they are left to look after the child and struggle through the financial problems. The circumstances of fornication in society can create an unfortunate and challenging upbringing. Fornication plays an extremely important part in the fall of society. What makes it worse is that today’s society has considered it to be a small matter. In fact in modern society, fornication is not even considered wrong but marriage reduces the possibility of it because the sexual intercourse between husband and wife is not considered as an immoral behaviour in society of Turkey. To sum up, According to Islam marriage is compulsory and God stated in Quran that wed the single among you and we can see from this verse that the Creator of mankind has ordered us to marry. Marriage is a crucial factor in the proper upbringing of children. This is because children without one of their parents are much more likely to commit crimes and they become a nuisance to the cities they live in. Marriage plays a big part in preventing one from fornication and decreases the numbers of adulterines.